19 February 2009

YouJudge.com- Crazy X-Factor/Idol Auditions

Here are a few of the many auditions that shocked me, made me have a spaz attack on the floor with laughter and confused-me.com!! Which one out of these do you think is the most craziest??? Are there any that you think are way worse than these? Post the link if you find it on youtube...

This is my favourite. She looks like she's come straight out of Nollywood. Loving the passion she puts into it and the pyschotic remix dance!!!

These guys are classic! If all fails start giving the judge's your hard times speech!
The guy was slightly cute, gay but cute...or is that just me? "American iiii bye bye... will get you from A to Z... a b c d e f geee"...And the award for the most creative lyrics go to...


Ryan C... This guy is BAITTT!!! And I do agree with Simon, his voice is aaight, nothing special. His road attitude was too funny... zooop zooop zooop!!!

"Mat Tuck from bullet from my valentine"???? Who the hell is he!!! This is truly one scary woman.

Now move over Eminem...
the Yorkshire Rapper is coming to take your crown...
just coz you got attacked errrr, don't Be down...
you can always try again, again...

Mangolicious Out.


  1. lol I vote 4 the yorkshire rapper, why is serious bout it

  2. nooooo the crazy African woman is way better lmao
