18 February 2009

I'm just popping to the market for some feet!!

This is real and can be found in Jankara market in Lagos, Nigeria. MyGhanadaily.com reports that human body parts are found all over the market, including ears on the floor and other disturbing parts of the human anatomy!! The market does not only specialise in body parts but also has your everyday groceries like poultry and veg. Greaat Lamb and Leg stew...

When reading the article my first thought was that they must be carnivores, but then I considered the geographical location of these activities and figured they are using the body parts for Occult activities, otherwise known as Ju Ju. There are some formalities that have to be adhered to before purchasing any body parts...

"The dealers know their terrain and the world they inhabit.They smell and sense danger in the air all the time. They are inclined to do business with you if you mention and have a prove of a regular Juju priest and customer. Even at this, they will still carry out a check on you. There’s no physical search. Under the pretex of “bringing your thing”, they will call your guarrantor and run a check on you. Any discovery of falsehood, they will cancel the deal and melt out of sight, leaving you to wait forever" (Source: SunNews Online)

Talking about Ju Ju hears the lastest Video from Grime star JME, Ju Ju Man. Loving the Manga style animation.

Mangolicious Out.

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